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 Last Weeked was 1st Knaresborough's first Summer Cub Camp Since Lock- Down.

15 Cubs and leaders headed out to the district Camp Thornthwaite, to spend two nights under canvas and spend plenty of time earning bades and honing Cub skills. After the Cubs pitched their tents they soon got sorted running around the wood playing games, after a quick orientation and saftey chat we played more games and gathered round the campfire for mashmallows and Coco.

A challenging night ensued with banging House music drifting up from the valley until 2am. The 100 DoEers that arrived at 12am and started a campfire didn't help much either!  After a lying in bed pretending to sleep for a few hours Cub camp began in earnest!

The exact order of events now seems rather a blurr; interspersed with cups of tea ( thanks Sarah), sauasages ( thanks Eric), midges, fire smoke, Cubs running between trees, fire lihting, pioneering, first aid delivery, practice that is. There were walks, there were a few tears, some ice cream, a large slide, a tug of war, baked beans, bannock bread.

Cub camp is always intense, the kids are on the go all the time, many of them away from their parents doing stuff that they dont normally do, with people that they dont kow that well and on very little sleep.

It is a rite of passage, parts are fun, parts are hard, it's not easy and staying to the end is an achievement in itself.

Well done to all the kids and leaders that made it throuh to the end - great teamwork form all concerned. We shuld be ready for another year.


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Group Camp, Thornthwaite Activity Centre.

On Friday the third of December 6 Cubs,  and 19 Scouts from 1st Knaresborough attended one of the first camps since lockdown and certainly the first Group Camp for many years. The weather was forcast poor to average but this did not dampen our spirits. After a site  tour, quick wide game and the obligatory campfire, coacoa and crumpets preceeded bedtime. Not much sleep was had on Friday night, despite warnings of inpending fatique, over excitement gained the day/night and alot of talking was heard into the small hours!

Breakfast soon came around and with the help of the young leaders, sausages and beans were dispensed to slighlty chastened, panda-eyed youths. No rest for the giddy, was the name of the day and all sections got stuck in with hikes, first aid trainning, fire lighting, pioneering and generally being kept busy in the fresh air.

Beavers arrived at 10 am after an exploration and some firelighting, retired to the warmth of the Hut for serious games and biscuits.

Saturday night was a much quieter affair as some small compound of fatique and wisdom took effect.  Yet another campfire and earier to bed, this time the Scouts were braving the elements and the noisy wind as it blew through the trees onto their tents. Some Scouts opted for an early bath as the flapping of their tents kept them from sleeping, but the majority lasted the night in a great show of pluck.

By Sunday morning the ensamble resembled an early episode of the Waking Dead, but a number soldiered on to complete the Geocache challenge. Thanks to all the parents that turned -up to partake in this family day.

After a barbecue provided by the committeee it was decided that the recommended level of Richmond sauagaes had definitely been exheeded and was probably wise for each family to reutrn home to deal with the consequences according to their own family traditions. 

Great to see all of you there and to see real hands-on, grimy Scouting taking place.  The kids have missed out on alot over the last two years and it was clear that many were not used to spending time away from their families. Hope fully we can continue, with your support, to offer further growth opportunities to these kids.



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40 Junior soldiers of Platoon 17 of Peninsula Company from Harrogate AFC attended The scout hut this weekend tohelp with the refurbishment of the hut. The platoon split into two grpups one that worked inside on painting while the other concentrated on clearing debris, cutting back the undegrowth and replacing a broken fence post. Many of these lads are just 16 and are just about to finish the initial part of theri basic trainning befre heading off to their respective units, we had prospective Riflemen, Logisticians, Signals and Paras. This work was all completed as part of their DofE, many of them had never held a paint brush before let alone swung a sledge hammer!

It truely is amazing what an organized team of people can do, we hope to continue our relationship with them in the future.

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1st Knaresborough (Castle) Scout Group

Scout Hall, Wetherby Road, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 8LG

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